



Year of Completion: June 2019
Site: Côte d'Ivoire

Our engineers are experts in testing & commissioning MCC panels and our objective is to lay down the testing & commissioning necessities. Mounting,wiring and testing of MCC Panel for SOMDIAA  (FERKE 2) - Côte d'Ivoire was done by our team.

Cathodic Protection and Pump Control

Cathodic Protection and Pump Control

Cathodic Protection and Pump Control

Year of Completion: April 2019
Site: CEB Fort-Victoria
Client: Central Electrical Board

Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique to control the corrosion of a metal surface by making it work as a cathode of an electrochemical cell. This is achieved by placing in contact with the metal to be protected another more easily corroded metal to act as the anode of the electrochemical cell. ECS Team did the Cathodic Protection and Pump Control for CEB Fort-Victoria new HFO Tank

Commissioning of CES power plant

Commissioning of CES power plant

Commissioning of CES power plant

Year of Completion: 2018
Site: Senegal
Client: Compagnie D’electricité du Senegal (C.E.S)

Assistance to cooperation.

ECS has the main tasks of checking the control loops of the boiler and assist in the handover of the Distribution Control System and Balance of Plant Automation systems.
Apart from the technical expertise, ECS has also been asked to assist in terms of coordination as the need of bilingual engineers were important since the operators are from Senegal, who are French speaking, and the commissioning engineers are from India who are English speaking.
The power station has succeeded in the attempt of providing 125MW to the grid and is now running at high capacity as part of commissioning which will lead to reliability test soon.

Upgrading of Crystalisation Control System for SUCAFCI

Upgrading of Crystalisation Control System for SUCAFCI

Upgrading of Crystalisation Control System for SUCAFCI

Year of Completion: 2018
Site: Ivory Coast

This project consists of the automation of the Crystallisation of section which includes six Batch Pans. The complete automation system has been designed based on the ABB Freelance system using the AC900F controller and the S800 IOs. The specifications of the instrumentation and valves has also been done by ECS. Also included in the project, is the design , supply and installation of the Motor Control Centre for the Crystallisation section. The whole commissioning will be done by ECS for both the system and the process.

Panel Mounting for Sucaf CI

Upgrading of Cane Handling and Milling Control Cystem for SUCAFCI

Upgrading of Cane Handling and Milling Control Cystem for SUCAFCI

Year of Completion: 2017
Site: Ivory Coast

Ferke 2 Sugar Estate is owned by SUCAFCI. In 2014, the boilers control system and its Steam Turbine safety system was upgraded to ABB Freelance System by ECS. In 2017, SUCAF CI has planned to upgrade the Cane Handling and Milling control system to ABB Freelance System. ECS has been awarded this work which includes the planning, design, supervision, programming, testing and commissioning of the system. Also included is the design of the Motor Control Center ( MCC) of the Cane Handling and Milling System.

Control Panels for CBO Plant

Control Panels for CBO Plant

Control Panels for CBO Plant

ECS scope on the Thermal Valorisation project consisted of the installation of all Instrumentation Equipment’s, laying of instrumentation cables & installation of cable trays for the boiler, turbine & balance of plant.

ECS also supplied the control system based on a Siemens S7-300 PLC for the Balance of plant & Conveying system.

Mauritius Telecom- Greenfield Data Center

Mauritius Telecom- Greenfield Data Center

Mauritius Telecom- Greenfield Data Center

Year of Completion: 2017
Site: Rose Belle
Client: Mauritius Telecom

Building Management System project for Greenfield Data Centre of Mauritius Telecom situated at Rose Belle including supply, installation and commissioning of VSD Panels for AHUs (air handling units) and FCUs (Fan Coil Units) and automation system for diesel distribution system for standby generators.

Fuel Emergency Shutdown System at Maputo

Fuel Emergency Shutdown System at Maputo

Fuel Emergency Shutdown System at Maputo

Year of Completion: 2016
Site: Maputo
Client: Maputo International Airport

Maputo airport project consisted of supply and installation of a control panel, fuel emergency shut down posts and armoured fibre optic and instrumentation cable.

Bank of China Data Centre

Bank of China Data Centre

Bank of China Data Centre

Year of Completion: 2016
Site: Caudan Waterfront
Client: Bank of China

The Supply and Installation of Network components, server cabinets, fibre optics, raised flooring, two UPS 40kVA with redundancy system and with all associated electrical works including Main distribution board and UPS DB was done by our team.

Replacing old Main Distribution Board at New Maurifoods Ltd

Replacing old Main Distribution Board at New Maurifoods Ltd

Replacing old Main Distribution Board at New Maurifoods Ltd

Year of Completion: 2016
Site: Phoenix
Client: New Maurifoods Ltd 

The MDB board has been designed based on latest circuit breaker with energy monitoring interface. A local operator interface on the MDB enables analysis of the distribution system and an Energy Reporting System based on the powerful PcVue /Dream Report software enables deeper analysis and follow-up of the energy consumption.

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Electrical & Control Specialists Ltd

Mon Loisir Industrial Zone
Riviere du Rempart

Phone: (230) 260 0862
